Monday, January 5, 2009

Ice Skating

On Christmas Eve we took the girls ice skating for the first time. Since Sadie isn't old enough we decided I would take Camren and Hailey ice skating. Chris would watch Sadie on the sidelines. It was quite the adventure. We all had a great time although we spent more time on our backsides than on the skates!

While we were ice skating Sadie and Chris were perfectly happy and SAFE playing in Santa's sleigh.


Cassie said...

How fun! We took our boys skiing this year for the first time, we haven't attempted ice skating yet! You are brave to take on two little kids on ice!

kchap143 said...

A great big Hello to the Cannons from the Chapmans! How fun to see pictures of you again. I found your blog through the Baird's blog.

The Skinners said...

How fun. I dont know if I can even ice skate let alone take kids... but what a great idea, we will have to try it sometime.

The Skinners said...
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Livia said...

Happy New Years guys! Your pics are so cute and everyone looks great.

Sarah said...

sounds like fun. What that rink around these parts? I keep thinking I'll take Liza to give it a try. We'll see if I put it off another year.

somestratt said...

Kendra! Those pics are so cute. The sad thing is that Lilly doesn't remember any of you guys :( Luckily when I showed Hunter the pic of Sadie and Chris and asked who it was he said "um, Camron's dad?" Good boy!