Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Family Fun

Saturday was such a nice day I couldn't resist taking the girls over to the mall to play at the little spray park they have. They had a wonderful time. It always makes me happy when Camren and Hailey are playing and giggling together. Their favorite thing was to stand over one of the fountains until the water would shoot up and hit them in the face. Looked like it would hurt to me, but they couldn't get enough.

It was starting to get a little to cold out and I wasn't prepared to stay that long, but nobody wanted to go home either. So I ran over to the kids store and got them each a new outfit. Then we strolled around until we found the candy store. Since I was in a good mood we decided to stop before dinner and have a little treat.
Then off to dinner. Camren chose Tokyo Joes. Which was okay because they had tables outside and since nobody wanted to be inside it worked out great. At dinner Chris surprised me with a plate of sushi. Whenever we've had sushi before I've always had the excuse that I'm pregnant, that excuse didn't work this time and I tried my first sushi ever. I'm not a fan. Camren asked if we would give her a dollar if she tried it. She gagged her was through it, but she got her dollar. She'll do just about anything for a dollar.
We had a great day and it was nice to be out and about. Guess we are all feeling like winter is coming to soon.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Well I wouldn't say that we are unlucky most of the time, actually we are usually more than blessed. Lately though that is excactly what we are with our computers. I got locked out of my email about three weeks ago. Chris set up our account about 11 or 12 years ago so naturally we don't know the information they want to get it unlocked. About a week after that our computer crashed. All of the fun pictures of our summer are gone. We did get most of our pictures back, but not the most recent ones. Guess I won't be blogging about that. We have had a couple more problems with our computers that makes it impossible to do anything quickly. I forget how much a rely on them. Anyways we are back online and hopefully we won't have anymore problems.
I am still locked out of my email though and I don't have any contact info. I don't think I'm going to get it back either. So if anyone still checks my very out of date blog. I would like email addresses. We have a new address and phone number, so in a couple of weeks I'll send all of that information out. Who knows if you give me your email address you might get a Christmas card this year!