Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What will it be!!!

Today was the big day! We found out what we are having. When they told us Hailey looked like she was going to cry. It took a lot of talking to convince her this was a good thing. Camren was so excited she couldn't stop smiling. As for Chris, well lets just say I think he wanted to cry to. Anyone want to guess what it is!

It's a boy!!!

(I can't get my pictures to upload. I'll try again tomorrow)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Keeping busy with what?

This is our back yard! Chris thought it would be fun for us to landscape it ourselves. So he has been hard at work for the last 3 months with this project. Seriously, almost every minute he is not at work is spent in our backyard.

He built me a garden, which I love and can't wait to try out!

He built the girls a playhouse. Its not quite done, but they still love it. He put in a sprinkler system and laid the sod.
He has only had a few days of panic. The rest of the days he has been in heaven.

Project #2
Baby #4 is on the way! It has turned out to be a really big project. Morning sickness is really all day sickness and its lasting way longer than it should.
Camren told me today she is tired of eating out. Eating out is usually a treat for them. I agree though I'm ready to get back to home cooked meals and no sickness.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nothing says "I Love You" like...

Okay, so before I reveal what my awesome valentines present was. Lets go back to last month. One month ago we celebrated 9 years of wedded bliss. Well sort of. We did have our anniversary, but Chris forgot about it so we didn't really celebrate. Yep he forgot. That's not suppose to happen for another couple of years. So now he's on the hook right? Valentine's Day had better be REALLY good. I even gave him a little help and hinted that Valentines Day is on a Saturday. I'm thinking dinner, movie, maybe skydiving. I don't know just something without kids would be nice.
Chris had to work Saturday morning, but that's okay who does anything in the morning anyways. I get a call at noon and he says come in to my office for awhile. Oh how nice he wants to spend time with me! I get the kids in the car and head down to his office. He has one more patient and then he thinks today is a great day for me to get some dental work done. So I'm sitting there in the chair and Delila from the radio keeps saying "isn't this a great day to be with the one that you love. Even if your not doing anything just hanging out don't you just love today." And I'm thinking I don't think her husband ever gave her a root canal for Valentines Day.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Ice Skating

On Christmas Eve we took the girls ice skating for the first time. Since Sadie isn't old enough we decided I would take Camren and Hailey ice skating. Chris would watch Sadie on the sidelines. It was quite the adventure. We all had a great time although we spent more time on our backsides than on the skates!

While we were ice skating Sadie and Chris were perfectly happy and SAFE playing in Santa's sleigh.