Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lost Tooth

We've been waiting for four or five days for Camren's tooth to come out. She has actually been waiting for a couple of years, but it finally started to wiggle a couple of days ago. Chris told her she should apply pressure and wiggle it back and forth. So she's been working on it. Finally yesterday morning she let me pull on it. It came out with a little bit of a struggle and I thought for sure that she would start to cry. To my surprise instead of crying as soon as she saw the tooth she started laughing. She didn't even care that she was bleeding. She was just so happy to have that tooth out. Her class sang to her at school and the tooth fairy came last night. What a lucky girl!


Angela said...

Congratulations Camren!

It was so good to see you guys last week. I hope you had a great trip.

Ginnie said...

Yay!!! Abries two bottom teeth will soon be on the move too! So exciting.