Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Things to come!

The weather around here the last couple of days has been wonderful. It's been warm enough for the kids to play outside in the back yard and enjoy it for more than a half an hour at a time. I have been enjoying being able to send them out to burn off all of the energy they have. Until this afternoon when Camren realized that she could scream as loud as she wanted and nobody would stop her. This went on for 5 minutes or so. I started to feel sorry for the neighbors, so I asked her to stop. After about ten more minutes she finally did. I was trying to explain to her why she couldn't scream so loud and it hit me I tortured my neighbors when I was younger to. Hopefully this is not the start of something awful for our future neighbors!

I was a little monster in my younger days and I'm sure my neighbor thought so to. We loved to play tricks on her. One time we tried to sell her some gum wrappers. After maybe three attempts her husbands finally came to the door. He told us that if we ever came back he would cut our ears off. Then made a scary face. We ran off screaming.(He really was a nice man) We deserved it. After that we would knock on their door and run away. This got so bad that they called the police on us.

She used to go to bed early every night. We knew it and it was our goal to wake her up. In the summer we slept out on our trampoline every night. It was our goal to see how loud and obnoxious we could be. When she would come out to tell us to be quiet we would all hide under our sleeping bags and pretend to be asleep. She would yell at us for awhile and then go back into her house. I don't know how she was so patient, but there was one time she turned the sprinklers on us. Ending our fun for the night.

I don't know how many summer this went on for. I hope not many. I don't ever remember getting in trouble for it either. My parent had to know it was happening, but I don't know if they ever did anything to stop us. So here is my official apology to my poor neighbors. I am so sorry! I will try to keep our kids from torturing any future neighbors.


Livia said...

So funny!I say-just let them be kids!!!

somestratt said...

This is hilarious! You are the last person I would imagine this coming from. Of course, as I wrote this I was thinking how much like Cameron you probably were. I was thinking of the quiet shy Cameron, but obviously she has a loud side too! Your poor neighbor. She probaby went to bed early so that she could get to sleep at a decent hour, after all those neighbor kids settled down!

amyorr said...

I can't imagine you be devious like that. I love it. Too funny! I hope you are doing well!

E n D said...

What a little brat! Just kidding :) That is such a funny story! Your poor neighbor!

Angela said...

I like the new look. Very nice!

Gunn said...

I too am very shocked Kendra. But hey I also remember those days, and what was it about doing pranks on neighbors that was so fun and thinking that you actually got away with it, like they didn't know it was us every time.

Brock and Tyra said...

I would never have guessed! Then again, I've seen you on the basketball court and you are kind of feisty. Plus, I was obnoxious when I was young and now I'm so sweet and quiet that I guess it's possible for the same to be true of you!