Friday, July 6, 2007

So patriotic!

I love candy!
Hailey didn't quite get that you are supposed to pickup that candy
So good to see you smile!
Its to hard to wait! Don't look at the camera

Hailey came home from church with a crown made of stars to wear on the 4th of July. Camren insisted that she needed something for her hair to, so I told her we would go look for some hair things on Monday. On Monday she had decided that she would need a 4th of July dress and that we would need to get up extra early to go to the groomers for a hair trim!:) Luckily we found a 4th of July dress, but we didn't make it to the groomer.
We started out with a parade which the kids loved.(Of course because they got candy). Then we came home and the kids played in the sprinkler for the afternoon. A little before it got dark we went to the park and played and waited for the fireworks. What a fun day!

1 comment:

Livia said...

Welcome to the blog land! Looks like you guys had a great 4th of July!